Every part of you has a secret language.
Your hands and feet say what you’ve done.
And every need brings in what is needed.
Pain bears its cure like a child.
Having nothing produces provisions.
Ask a difficult question.
And the marvelous answer appears.
– Rumi

Yoga Schedule

Saturday Class, Weekday Series & 1:1 Sessions now offered via Zoom –

Soul Care Yoga Saturdays (all bodies welcome!) on Zoom: 9-10:15am CST/10-11:15am EST/7-8:15amPST

Meeting ID: 884 0476 4534
Passcode: THANKYOU

  • Create your space: Set yourself up with a sticky mat, 2-tennis-balls-in-a- sock, a block, strap, squishy yoga ball, whatever you have!
  • Shoot me an email: Please send  me quick email to introduce yourself (if you are new) and to be added to my mailing list, which is always the best way to learn about current offerings (janehouse18@gmail.com).
  • Your donations are greatly appreciated: Saturday Practice is offered by donation only (Venmo @Jane-House/Paypal). Thank you for giving what you can and experimenting with me in gift economy.

Big Love,